Herbs for Overactive Bladder
Herbs can help to relieve the suffering and embarrassment you experience due to an overactive bladder (OAB). Herbs reduce the irritability of the tissues in the bladder and promote relaxation, and can also tone tissues and relieve inflammation.
Here are some of the best herbs to use if you have OAB.
1. Corn Silk (Zea Mays)
Corn silk is my hands-down favorite herb for relieving discomfort, spasms and irritability of the bladder. The simplest way to reap the benefits of corn silk is to buy fresh ears of corn, organic if possible. The silk that you need is the light-colored part. The dried, brown silk is far less effective.
Place a tablespoon or more of fresh cornsilk in a cup. Pour one cup of boiled water over the silk. Place a cover on the cup and let the silk steep for 20 minutes before straining out the corn silk. Drink as much of the light, slightly corn-flavored tea as you desire each day.
Corn silk tea is also good for urinary tract infections. It won’t cure an infection, but you will experience fewer spasms, a decreased urge to void and markedly less discomfort within one half hour of drinking the tea.
You may purchase tinctures or glycerites of corn silk for portable convenience, but I think the tea is superior. The glycerite is my second choice. Don’t use the alcohol-based tincture unless no other forms are available, as alcohol can make your OAB symptoms worse. Follow label instructions, if you are using a commercial product.
Incontinence pads can help overactive bladder patients by absorbing urine. Here are some of the best brands to try.