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8. Nutritional Therapy
Nutritional therapy experts can teach you which foods and beverages irritate your bladder and can co-create a healthy eating plan with you. If you are overweight, you can learn how to obtain and maintain a desirable weight. This is important because being overweight makes you more prone to experiencing OAB symptoms due to pressure on the pelvis and the weakening of pelvic muscles.
A nutritionist can recommend foods to prevent constipation. If you are not constipated, you will experience less pressure and resulting OAB symptoms. You will also learn about foods that specifically aid bladder health. For example, foods that are rich in L-Arginine can help to relieve OAB symptoms. These include animal products, walnuts, coconut, grains and dried beans. A nutritionist can offer suggestions about fluid intake too.
Now that the New Year has passed, consider these specific, realistic resolutions for people with OAB that can help improve your daily life.